Our Purpose: Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Our Vision: We will work to end spiritual, relational, and physical hunger.
We will develop a path for Christian discipleship built around five essential practices of the Christian life (worship, study, serve, give and share). We will align our discipleship efforts using this model.
We will equip and inspire every person to strengthen their relationships.
We will connect people by striving to increase participation in small groups.
We will focus on efforts to welcome and engage diverse people so that our congregation mirrors the community we serve and the Kingdom of God.
We will continue to build partnerships with schools in the Arcola Community.
We will continue to work to bring justice to all people in our community, by educating, inspiring and equipping our members to become personally involved.
We will continue to partner with Dulles South Food Pantry to feed our neighbors.
We will continue to work with parent liaisons in our partner schools to meet physical needs.
We will inspire and equip every Arcola Church household to engage monthly in meeting the physical needs of our neighbors.
We will educate and support the community regarding mental health and substance abuse.
Additional initiatives to strengthen Arcola Church
We will connect the Outreach Center and Worship to public sewer and pay for it without incurring any additional debt.
We will provide for the church’s future mission and ministries by increasing legacy gifts and creating an endowment fund.
We will develop succession plans for all staff and work to raise up new leaders of all ages.