Worship this Sunday at 9 and 11am, with Sunday School for all ages!
Thank you for your faithful giving to the work God is doing in and through Arcola Church. Your gift is an investment in transforming lives with the good news of Jesus' love and sacrifice for the world.

Give a Monetary Gift Contact Chris Slupe to Give a Stock Donation

Ways to Give

Why Give?

Financial giving changes people’s lives. Your gifts are an investment in the work God is doing through Arcola Church to share His love in our communities and the world. When we give, our lives are transformed as are those to whom we give. All we have is a gift from God and we are called to share our gifts.

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Your Gifts Matter

Our Phase III expansion opened weeks prior to the pandemic. Thanks to your generosity, this space, and spaces throughout the church, have been used in unforseen and amazing ways during the COVID crisis. We've hosted a No Sale Yard Sale for our neighbors in need, held in-person worship in the Narthex, and livestreamed sermons and music performances from Pearson Chapel, not to mention the technical upgrades to the Great Room which allowed us to continue worshipping together while physically apart.

Give to Building Needs