Our Purpose and Vision

Arcola Church Purpose and Vision Statement

Our Purpose: Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Our Vision: That all of God’s people grow in wisdom and in wholeness.

Wisdom involves growing in loving relationship with God and neighbor. Wholeness means thriving mentally, physically, and spiritually. Our model for this growth is the person of Jesus Christ who, according to the gospel of Luke, “grew and became strong and filled with wisdom.” In all His life, Jesus modeled a loving relationship with God and neighbor and worked to restore people to wholeness. Thus, our purpose as a church: We meet people where they are, to make disciples of Jesus Christ that all may grow in wisdom and wholeness.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we look to become more like Him every day, primarily using these practices:

  • Worship – Attend each weekend, in person or online.
  • Grow - Commit to personal spiritual growth and small group participation.
  • Serve – Work both inside and outside the walls of the church to care for others, using our spiritual gifts.
  • Give - Contribute financially, with the tithe being the goal.
  • Share - Bear witness to faith in Jesus Christ, through word and deed.

These Core Values shape our work:

Compassion - All people matter to God; therefore, all people matter to us.

Servanthood – God blesses each person with unique talents and gifts and calls us to love our neighbor; therefore, we use our gifts in service to all.

Excellence - We have received God's best in creation and in His Son; therefore, we offer our best in all we do.

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United Methodist Church

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(Revised 3/6/2025)