Faith News Dress Rehearsal
Saturday at 9:00 AM
K-5 kids experience God's love through a dynamic, interactive Sunday School experience at 9am each Sunday, while adults worship in the Great Room.
During the 10am hour from September - June, Celebration Choir (for grades K-5) rehearses in the Choir Room, and children's fellowship is available in Room 119. During the 11am service, elementary aged children are invited to worship with their families in the Great Room.
Our youngest disciples - infants, toddlers and preschool age - are welcome in a more intimate classroom or nursery environment during worship services and the 10am hour, where they learn about God's love for them through caring volunteers and age-appropriate activities. Nursery and preschool classrooms are located in the hallway between the Great Room and Ruth Hall; you can be directed there when you enter the Worship Center
VBS is one of the highlight weeks of our year! Kids explore God’s awesomeness throughout the week and form a rock-solid faith for the road ahead.
Each day at VBS, kids discover the vastness of God's love through station rotations that reinforce Bible Points and point kids' eyes up to a loving, powerful God who is bigger than... well, anything! Stations include Sing and Play Celebration, Imagination Station, KidVid Cinema, Games, Bible Adventures, and snacks. And we'll have our Bible Buddies characters to guide us through the week!
Learn more about this year's VBS
All 2nd through 4th graders are welcome to attend this 3 week winter class to teach the why and how of our celebration of Communion in the United Methodist Church.
Your 5th grader is ready to explore their faith more on their own, and this class will help them get a taste of Middle School Youth, get to know the Middle School youth leaders, and learn about the Bible. The class meets January through June each year, and the students receive Bibles at the end!