News Sources

Posted by Sandy Kurtyka on April 27, 2020

During a Pandemic, such as now with COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019), it is important to utilize and retain important information to protect yourself and your family. Making sure that your resources are nonbiased, reliable, and scientific are of utmost importance. The media and social media provide us with many different resources that can be based on emotion and opinions.

Below is a list of reliable resources that can provide you with up to date facts and guidelines on COVID-19. Much information is still unknown or is changing due to the virus being new, it continues to be important to stay vigilant.

Center for Disease Control:

World Health Organization:

Mayo Clinic:

For Children

American Academy of Pediatrics:

For Pregnancy/Obstetrics

American Academy of Obstetrics and Gynecology:

For Local Government Information and Guidelines

Virginia Department of Health:
Loudoun County:

Blessings and Stay Safe, Sandy Kurtyka RN, BSN, MSN, CRNP

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