The Good Place: Wrap Up/ Questions on Heaven

Series: The Good Place

November 17, 2019 | Pastor Chris Riedel
Passage: Revelation 21:1-6


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. -- Philippians 1:21


When I went away to college, I got homesick.  My school was over 1000 miles away, so there was no popping in for the weekend. There was Christmas between terms and there was summer break. But besides that, there were only letters and phone calls. Both were like gold. But once the letter was read or the phone call ended, I sometimes felt even more homesick than before. I had just a taste of what it was like to be home. When I would finally get to step back into my parents' home, I would dump my bags, full of dirty clothes, into my room and just talk. I would talk my parents' ears off. Friends from high school would swing by. We would share our memories from years long past. And it was all good. Whether we spoke of a great milestone or a childhood disaster, it was all good. I was home. I was where I belonged.
One day, I will go home for good. I will toss all my luggage aside and spend time with my friends, my family and my Creator. I'll have a new life and new surroundings. What does that look like? I don't know exactly. But something deep inside of me misses it. When I see the fractured parts of this world, I get homesick. I read God's word and we speak often. And I am reminded how things should be. But it just makes me want to be home more. 
The reason I could not leave school was because I had much to learn. The reason I am not in heaven right now is also because I still have much to learn. The more I learn, the more I want to learn and the more I want to be in God's presence. But learning is a means, not an end. The more we learn about Christ, the more we want to be like Christ. And that means giving; giving everything we have. Wouldn't it be great to arrive home with no pesky luggage? That is my goal. 
I have a coffee mug this states it as clearly as I can imagine.
When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope 
that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say,
 'I used everything you gave me'.  -Erma Bombeck


Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me. Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. - Daniel Iverson
Written by Ben Roberts. Ben is a Congregational Care Minister and also leads one of the Men's Ministry groups. He lives in Ashburn with his wife Jennifer and their son Ethan.
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