Worship this Sunday at 9 and 11am, with Sunday School for all ages!


Series: This is Us

This is Us: Engaged
October 21, 2018

We engage in the world by sharing how God has moved in our lives.

This is Us: Go
October 14, 2018

An evangelist is simply a beggar who tells another beggar where to find bread. We are...

This is Us: Open Table
October 07, 2018

This isn't the table of any particular church; it's the table of Jesus Christ and...

This is Us: Gifts
September 16, 2018

Every one of us has gifts and all gifts are important. When they are used...

This is Us: Pneuma
September 02, 2018

The church isn't you and I; the church is of God. Begun by God by the power of the...