Praying the Psalms
1. Psalm 19:12-14 - a prayer for faithfulness
2. Psalm 25:4-5 - a prayer for guidance
3. Psalm 25:16-21 - a prayer for help when troubled by personal sin and the cruelty of others
4. Psalm 27:11-14 - a prayer when you've been mistreated and need help and guidance
5. Psalm 42:5-11 - a prayer when depressed
6. Psalm 51 - a prayer of repentance and restoration
7. Psalm 55:1-8, 22 - a prayer when depressed (often the "voice of our enemy" is our own mind)
8. Psalm 63 - a prayer of thanksgiving and trust
9. Psalm 86:11 - a prayer for guidance and faithfulness
10. Psalm 90 - a prayer for God's favor on our work