Faith News Network Children & Youth Musical
Our youth and children (K-12th Grade) have an opportunity this March to be a part of the musical, Faith News! The musical production of Faith News will be presented on Sunday, March 30 at 11am (during worship) and 2pm.
Straight from FAITH NEWS Studios comes the latest WordKidz release from Christy and Daniel Semsen, FAITH NEWS. The setting is a Heavenly news broadcast originating inside the Pearly Gates, hosted by two angelic News Anchors, Cameron Flowers and Summer Showers. Bringing some of your favorite Bible Stories to life, our newscast flows back and forth between top-flight Bible news coverage by Cameron and Summer, to stellar on-the-ground reporting by our roving angel duo, Chera Bim and Sara Fim. Clever, snappy dialogue and fun, catchy, Biblically-based songs help tell the stories of Noah and the Ark (with a little help from Mrs. Noah), Joshua (at the Battle of Jericho), Queen Esther, Moses (including an important conversation where Moses asks Pharaoh to “let my people go”), Abraham and Sarah, and, direct from the New Testament, Ananias and Saul/Paul.
Registration is required for all participants in the musical.
Registration for K-1st (Feature Song Performers) is $12 and includes practice tracks, optional t-shirt for $23, and processing fees.
Registration for Grades 2-12 (Cast & Celebration Choir Ensemble) is $52 and includes practice tracks, t-shirt, and processing fees. Must be in Celebration Choir!
Click here for a list of cast members!