Joy Collective Youth Praise Team Rehearsal
Wednesday at 5:30 PM
Your teen can explore their faith through weekly Bible studies, monthly worship, participating in the Youth Praise Team, going on a retreat, and other social and learning events throughout the year.
Confirmation helps students begin to understand what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and how to live their faith. It is a time of intentional study and preparation alongside peers and mentors. After completing the class, the students have the opportunity to stand before the congregation, affirm their faith and commitment to Christ, and become a member of Arcola United Methodist Church.
Confirmation is open to all youth in 8th-12th grades. The class will meet on Sunday mornings at 9am from February until May.
Register Here
Confirmand’s attendance/participation is required for all classes, the retreat, Confirmation Dinner and Confirmation Sunday.
Weekly Lessons
Sunday morning classes are a key component of the Confirmation program. They provide an opportunity for students to meet weekly and discuss the key themes and foundations of Christianity. All confirmation classes will meet from 9-10am in the youth room. Classes 1 and 2 will be incorporated into the kickoff and retreat. Attendance is mandatory for completion of confirmation.
Confirmation will kickoff with a retreat. We will gather with other church's in our district for a day to focus on the three forms of GRACE. Our overnight kickoff retreat is February 28 - March 2 at Camp Highroad. This retreat provides an opportunity for youth to strengthen their relationships with others in their confirmation class.
Service Project
We believe that serving others is one of the 5 essential practices of a Christian. Confirmands and their mentors will participate together in a service project of their choosing.
Mentors provide support to the Confirmands during the Confirmation process. Students meet with their mentor five times during the 5-weeks of classes. Choosing a mentor is an important decision as the mentor will help the student explore the decision to be a Christian and continue their faith journey into adulthood. Click here to read more about Choosing A Mentor. Adults interested in becoming a mentor can contact Audra Weisberg at
Confirmation Luncheon
This is a lunch on Confirmation Sunday with confirmands, mentors and parents on May 4 in the Narthex after the 11am worship service.
Confirmation Sunday
Confirmation Sunday is May 4 at the 11am Worship service. Confirmands will accept Christ as their Lord and Savior and become official members of the United Methodist Church. All students must be baptized before being confirmed. Students who have not been baptized will be baptized as part of the service.