Wednesday Prayer Service
Join us on Wednesdays in Pearson Chapel for Arcola's Wednesday Prayer Service. This service is 30 minutes in length and designed to strengthen us until Sunday comes. Prayer is a powerful tool that connects us to God and with each other. During this worship, in addition to a variety of prayer opportunities, we will sing some good hymns, listen to special music, hear a brief inspirational message, and share communion together. All who wish, may also experience anointing during communion time. Bring a friend from work and a packed lunch too and spend fellowship time in the narthex or chapel afterwards. During a portion of Lent, we will serve a simple lunch for all who attend.
The Winter Sermon Series, Blessed are You; The Gospel of Matthew explores Jesus' early ministry. His call to discipleship, and His teachings on what it means to live in the Kingdom of God. This is a kingdom that turns the world's values upside down and invites us into a new way of being. This winter season, these passages invite us to reflect on the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, our call to follow Christ, and the radical nature of the Kingdom He proclaims. All are invited to explore the Gospel of Matthew with us and be transformed by the journey!