The church campus is closed today due to inclement weather; all activities on campus are cancelled.

New Member Class

Membership in Arcola Church means that you pledge to uphold the church with your prayers (we crave them!), presence (we love seeing you in worship!), gifts (talents and finances), service (within the church and in your community), and witness (share the love!). It's a visible sign of your commitment to God and your faith community

New member classes are held throughout the year for everyone who wants to become a member of our Arcola Church family, including those who wish to transfer membership from another church. These classes serve as an orientation to Arcola, where we'll talk not only about where you and your people can find places to belong within the church, but also how the church can support you in your faith journey, and how you can make an impact with Jesus's love in your community. You'll meet staff and leadership, learn about the church's vision and mission, and leave having met new people and hopefully ready to join the following Sunday. Childcare is available upon request.

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Event Coordinator Pastor Chris Riedel

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