Worship this Sunday at 9 and 11am, with Sunday School for all ages!

11:30am Ash Wednesday Prayer Service

Ash Wednesday ushers in the season of Lent. Lent is a season of contemplation and reflection of our life and our human need for repentance. The use of ashes in the christian tradition is to be reminded of our sinfulness and our human mortality, yet understanding that both have been triumphed in the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The ash cross on the forehead is an outward sign of our understanding of sin, and our willingness to repent and turn from sin; a call to faithful discipleship.

There will be two services of worship for the imposition of ashes. The first is 11:30am in Pearson Chapel and the 2nd service will take place in the Great Room at 7pm. A pancake supper, provided by the youth ministry, is open to the community prior to the evening service at 6pm.

Event Coordinator Tianna Durbin

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