Legends Christmas Luncheon

The Legends provides an opportunity for members and friends, ages 55 and older, to gather for good conversation, interesting speakers, programs and wonderful music. Luncheons are in person now! Lunch is provided. A donation to cover the cost of lunch is requested. Contact Molly Riedel for more information.

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Arcola Church Nut Policy

2022-2023 Schedule

Mark these dates on your calendar!

September 13 - DFC John Miller from the Loudoun Co Sheriff’s office - cyber scams and fraud
October 11 - Carole Salgado - Serve ministry and ways to volunteer
November 8 - Jennifer Riedel - Parkinson Update from the Michael J Fox Foundation
December 13 - Christmas Program led by Tianna Durbin & Gift Exchange/Party
January 10 - Tim Sparbanie - Principal at Elaine Thompson Elementary School
February 14 - Nathan Vooys - CEO of Stone Springs Hospital
March 14 - Robb Jones - Marshall House and tours 
April 11 - Pastor Chris
May 9 - Last meeting of the season

Event Coordinator Molly Riedel

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