
Community Care means caring for all God's people, in our church and surrounding communities, and their mental, physical, and emotional health. Through these programs and efforts, guided by our community partners and our church family, you can find care and support with the love of Jesus. 

Contact Care

Counseling & Congregational Care Ministers

Counseling is available to those in our congregation who are going through a spiritual and/or life changing event or crisis. Counseling involves a caring relationship in which one person seeks to help another deal more effectively with the stresses of life. At Arcola Church we have a group of wonderful Congregational Care Ministers and a counselor, Molly Riedelthat will be glad to talk with you. Contact Pastor Chris Riedel or the Director of Care, Molly Riedel, for more information and to connect with a Congregational Care Minister. 

Support Groups and Marriage Ministry

Support Groups

You can find assistance and community during many of life's circumstances through our support groups. We regularly offer mental health, Parents of Young Adults (Launch), grief, illness, caregiver, widow/widower, Divorce Recovery, and other groups, held in person and online. See upcoming meetings and events for these groups below! We also support an Alcoholics Anonymous chapter; go to to find a meeting.

Marriage Ministry

Our Marriage Ministry is invested in helping you grow in Godly relationship with your spouse through intentional date nights at Dates with a Purpose, The Monthly Spark articles with resources to foster conversation, and more. Find marriage/relationship focused events below!

Living Well Health & Wellness Series

Living Well as a disciple of Jesus means caring for your body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. Throughout the year, our Health & Wellness Team brings in speakers to help us do just that, in intentional ways. 

Upcoming Living Well Presentations

Angels on Call

Angels on Call (AOC) provides short-term or emergency meals for our Arcola Church families in crisis. If you or your family need help, or you are interested in being involved in this ministry, please contact Molly Riedel, Director of Care.

Contact Molly Riedel

Card & Sewing Ministries

Card Ministry

Our card ministry sends handwritten notes to those in need of encouragement. To become a member of the Words of Care team, please contact Molly Riedel, Director of Care.

Contact Molly Riedel

Prayer Cloths

Prayer cloths are handmade, pocket-size squares, which serve as a tangible reminder of God's love for you. You can find them in the church lobbies - take one for yourself or to give to a friend in need of comfort. If you'd like to join the team that makes them, please contact Sherry Cosby.

Contact Sherry Cosby

Baby Blankets

Baby blankets are handmade by talented people in our congregation to welcome the newest little members of our community. If you would like to join this team or tell us about a new baby, please contact Molly Riedel.

Contact Molly Riedel

Prayers & Squares

A prayer quilt is a quilt that is made with love and tied with prayers. Each knot tied into the quilt represents a prayer that is offered specifically for someone in need of those prayers. If you're looking for a prayer quilt, please fill out the form below. This ministry is led by Cheryl Hershey and new members are always welcome!

Request a Prayer Quilt

Prayer Requests for Arcola Church Prayer Team

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Not required; we welcome anonymous requests.

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