Spring Awakening PicnicChrist is Risen and Spring is here. We are ready to celebrate! Join us for our annual picnic the Sunday after Easter. This year, it will be potluck style. So, bring your favorite dish to share for a delicious potluck feast while...Learn More
Holy Week & Easter WorshipLenten ChallengeA Lenten challenge is a spiritual or physical practice that people participate in during Lent. The goal of a Lenten challenge is to deepen one's faith and prepare for Easter. We challenge you and your family to take...Learn More
Singers Invited to Join Easter Festival ChoirCalling all high school and adults to join the Alleluia Choir for 2-3 Thursday rehearsals to prepare for 11am Easter Sunday Worship. Additional singers are invited to come learn the Hallelujah Chorus and one additional Easter Choral Anthem...Learn More